guest DJ spotlight : DJ RAD

DJ RAD is what one would call a showman. The lead promoter and resident DJ of Pink Sock at Wonderland Ballroom, DJ RAD is no stranger to the DC scene. He has cut his own niche out of the DC gay dance market by creating the highest grossing weeknight event Wonderland has seen, while doing it on the unenviable platform of a Wednesday evening. Additionally, there's the fact that it's in Columbia Heights; an area that is growing on the good side of the gays, but is not yet the proverbial hot-spot. Still, Ryan Duncan has taken this night (which debuted last fall) and parlayed its surprising (and mammoth) success into opening/guest DJ spots at The Green Lantern's RAW, Town's WTF, as well as earned the respect of many DJs and promoters with his talent and enthusiasm.

Stylistically, DJ RAD (Ryan Adam Duncan), can be explained as the perfect balance of aggressive rave-heavy (think: Goldfrapp, Blisterz Boyz, The Faint) and disco-friendly. Similar to his contemporaries, he has a great deal of respect for these genres, but where he separates himself is his immense utilization of/appreciation for the Grace Jones-esque era of soulful, sexy, late 70's dance. Like Jones in the late '70s/early '80s, Duncan is able to straddle the disco-to-new wave transition without a flaw, while maintaining a healthy and sharp eye for the new.

Personally, he is of the rare humble breed of promoter/DJ. As far as his Pink Sock party, he is innovative with many hilarious themes and accompanying decor; all the while paying out of pocket with zero assistance. Moreover, he tackles and overcomes the venue's Cretaceous sound system with a ballerina's fluidity. It's this kind of 'love for the show above all else' that good promoters own and convey, and he is the epitome of such. He also consistently goes out of his way to support other parties, and is always camera friendly (whether or not he realizes it).

For all these reasons he was chosen to be a part of this Saturday's SHIFT: April Showers, as the opening spin-master for resident DJ MAJR. Similarly, both have a DJ moniker taken from their initials, both are meticulous executors, and both plan to bring the house to its knees. One thing he will appreciate at SHIFT is Cobalt's fantastic in-booth sound system, as well as being the DJ during the coveted 11:30-12:00 rush. The 400+ that usually walk in the door during that time may be the largest crowd he's had a chance to make dance... and they will appreciate it. I know, as I'll be one of them! So, don't miss it! It'll be totally rad.

photos courtesy of brightest young gays (namely Bradley Portnoy & Ben Murray)

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