weekenditty: a remix that tears Rihanna up (AGAIN!)

So it's been a week.  I'm sorry.  Life has been unrelenting, and I have been prioritizing in a way that definitely says 'fuck you' to all the fun things in my life.  Adulthood.  Womp.

Here's a track I've been tinkering with for a few weeks, and finally I put the finishing touches on it and sent it on its soundcloud-merry way this morning.

Rihanna is still my big disappointment of the year, as far as lead-up-letdowns, but this remix almost saves her self-hating, masochistic ass.  I hope you dig it. 

This edit is half personal statement, and half massive appreciation for the original remix which is, to say the least, very chill-pop, elongated, and beautiful (great for walking).  I wanted to transfer that energy into a dance track ready for the bars, and here you go!  Enjoy!

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