fresh: best of Born This Way / album review

So, you have heard the first few singles from the album Born This Way and aren't impressed? Are you depressed and/or upset about it? FRET NOT! There are 5 hidden gems in this LP that are so good that they almost make you (well they actually make me) MAD that her record company and/or she is too stupid to pick them out as singles. God knows what goes through their heads when they decide which songs are to be released... but that's okay. These songs are fantastic. Brilliant. Reminders of what one of pop's biggest stars is capable. Here are the TOP 5 songs on Born This Way. You will hear ALL of these on Saturday at THE ZOO BALL! Enjoy!
5.) BLOODY MARY (7.0/10)
This song just beats out Judas for the 5th spot. It does so because its mix of dark and melancholy minor chords are simply more memorable than the electo-clash meet disco of Judas. It's growing on me daily and is one of two tracks on the album that are a departure from her previous song equations (the other being #1). It is not higher on the rankings because it is simply not as good as they are (and the lame breakdown at 2:50 doesn't help, either), but it is a good song - a VERY good song.

4.) AMERICANO (8.5/10)
This song probably makes me dance harder than on the album. And, to be honest, that shocked me. I usually don't like any songs like this... but it's just so well done. It's quirky, funny, well produced, and is a perfect 128 dance bpm. It is probably the most explosive song on the album and begs you to put your hands in the air. And, at the end, the hilarious "don't you try to catch me" breakdown just kills me. Amazing.

This song is sadistic, hilarious, sad, dark, and obviously a tongue-in-cheek social commentary. Musically this is nothing short of stellar and the first song on the album to really grab me (besides the "c'mon and ruuuun..." part in Marry The Night). And, let's face it, who in D.C. isn't a government hooker?

2.) SHEIßE (9.0/10)
Euro-electro-muthafuckin' dance, through and through. This song is pure get-the-fuck-up-and-move and I love every part of it. Favorite moment is easily "I'll take you out tonight..." Adore this song enough to originally say it was my favorite on the album - until the next track grew on me tremendously. Hands-in-air required.

1.) HEAVY METAL LOVER (9.5/10.0)
This song is pure and simple: it is good art. It is the direction a lot of us thought she'd go: quality dance electro with a stealthy, sexy edge that can't quite be mimicked by her contemporaries... at least not to the same quality level. Every part of this song is perfectly done. A rare 9.5/10.0 from DJ MAJR.

Other track rankings/quick comments from DJ MAJR
7.0/10.0 - Marry The Night
Decent, could be better, but decent album entry track.
5.5/10.0 - Born This Way
For a gay anthem as big as it is, it could use more tweaking.
7.0/10.0 - Judas
Doesn't quite get the credit it deserves.
4.5/10.0 - Hair
Horribly written, but an infectious chorus.
7.0/10.0 - Black Jesus - Amen Fashion
I sort of love this song as a filler track. "Work it Black Jesus" kills me.
5.0/10.0 - Bad Kids
Has potential, but alas that potential isn't fulfilled.
3.5/10.0 - Fashion Of His Love
I'm not sure what she's thinking here... but she should just stop.
5.5/10.o - Highway Unicorn (Road To Love)
As a ridiculous dance pop track, it's on the same level as Born This Way, but better produced.
4.5/10.0 - Electric Chapel
Not good. Decent vocals. Terrible premise. Nothing more worth saying.
7.0/10.0 - The Queen
As far as the horribly written tracks, this is the cream of that crop. Infectious to a proverbial 'T.'
1.0/10.0 - You And I
2.5/10.0 - The Edge Of Glory
Somewhere between contemporary christian rock music hell and Cher's cemetery of chord progressions lies this track.

ALBUM GRADE: 6.03/10.0

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