Jimmy Eat World used to be a great band. They have a fleet of songs from Clarity, Bleed American, and Futures that are worthy of a great deal of acclaim... but that talent seems to have gone the way of the buffalo. Such is the rockstar life, as sometimes your fame outlives your talent.
Their newest LP, Invented, was greatly anticipated by yours truly... but I do feel a bit underwhelmed by the product. There are three tracks worth having on an album that lacks punch, beauty, and the type of transcendent energy that they had come to perfect on previous albums. In other words, it's a big smelly turd. Here are the three tracks worth keeping (granted there are a couple more I can stomach... I just don't care to inundate you with mediocre pop-rock):
The interesting aspect of these three collective tracks is that they sound like three of the previously mentioned albums. Stop has a very distinct Futures vibe that resonates mostly in the chorus. Invented (the track) sounds like something from Clarity's post-emo era. Lastly, Heart Is Hard To Find has a strong Bleed American feel to it. Save these three tracks, J.E.W. has left the good side of its sound and focused on the watered-down radio-worthy style that is often the filler on previous albums. Kill your manager.
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