too soon... probably -- what's your fav Oh Oh Horror flick?

Tomorrow at SIREN the 13th we will celebrate falling on Friday the 13th by exploiting everyone's secret passion for the terribly wonderful, wonderfully terrible horror films of the 1997-2003 era. So, what's YOUR favorite terrible OhOh horror film?
SIREN knows what you did last summer. We heard the Stir of Echoes and whispers from so many summers before of Disturbing Behavior. We saw you experiment with Blair’s Witch Project, only to realize that her Stigmata was not for you. We knew your Idle Hands would ultimately be up in The (male) Faculty’s Underworld. We have seen all Thirteen of your Ghosts (tricks) and watched you Scream about The Ring on yourAnaconda…but we don’t judge or hold a Grudge. We applaud you!

A little over 28 Days Later, after a massively successful July 9 SIREN party, we welcome you back to hear the best of 1997-2003 dance music, mixed with the dirtiest, sexiest electro bitchpop out there. We have a Sixth Sense that we'll be the Final Destination of everyone in your socialSphere, as well as all The Others who will Mimic you and your wonderfully awesome poor life choices. So come experience this Event Horizon onFriday the 13th, as the Urban Legend that is SIREN will be quite The Rage(:Carrie 2)!

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