dance party overload?

So. There are lots of parties popping up here and there. Something about a sock, and then there's a french house, and a deliciously uncooked evening of debauchery, and even a sprite with hindquarters... Not to mention the long-running and enjoyable monthlies of Mixtape, Bliss, and Nouveau Riche... as well as the quarterly/random fun times of Homo/Sonic, WTF, and Razzmatazz.

A lot is going on.

We do have one thing to say, despite all this traffic. SHIFT is happy to be among these many parties, and wish them all the best of success.

Let's keep the standards as high as the fun gradient, the music nothing but quality, and the asses shaking as much as possible. F*ck the rest.


Shea said...

love it. but i can't figure out the "sprite w/ hindquarters"???

SHIFTdc said...

fairy tail/tale

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